How to Run a Successful Programmatic Advertising Campaign

Programmatic advertising is the future! In fact, programmatic advertising has become the dominant method of buying digital advertising, estimates project that it will continue to grow through 2028.

Programmatic advertising is massively beneficial to advertisers as it gives media buyers access to millions of ad opportunities per second across all devices and channels including Desktop, Mobile, Convergent TV, and more. Among other advantages, programmatic buyers benefit from transparency, flexibility, and control.

If you’re looking to place digital ads, you’re probably wondering … what is the best way to run a programmatic display campaign? This article will help you get started to set up a successful programmatic campaign.

What is a Programmatic Campaign?

Simply put, a programmatic campaign is the act of leveraging automated bidding on display advertising inventory and programmatic buying platforms to buy and sell ad spaces. The ads can target specific consumer segments, depending on the goals of the campaign. The benefits of a programmatic campaign are that your team doesn’t have to manage the minute details all day to execute a successful campaign, and you get your ads in front of the right people.

Now that you understand programmatic campaigns, let’s look more deeply in what it takes to set one up right.

Programmatic Buyer Goals for a Successful Programmatic Ad Campaign

What are the top 3 attributes of a successful programmatic ad campaign? To ensure performance, make sure campaigns:

  • Are turnkey: easy to use, easy to set up
  • Drive Scale and innovation
  • Are Effective

While programmatic is extremely powerful, buyers experience challenges driving real business results based on the quality of the audience segments of their media platform.

Programmatic buyers select from dozens of audience data partners in order to target their campaign appropriately. However, if those audiences are based on online behavior only, performance can be slow.

Think about your own online behavior. We’ve all spent an afternoon day dreaming about trips we would take, luxury items we would buy, or homes we would choose with an unlimited budget. If we visit sites that offer those things, we’re just browsing without an intent to buy. On the other hand, if we are inside a grocery store, the chances are very small that we will leave without buying something.

In terms of performance, as a marketer, you want to invest your budget reaching the people who have the highest intent. That’s the only way to ensure real business results quickly and at scale.

Steps to Run a Programmatic Ad Campaign

Now that you understand the foundation of a successful programmatic campaign, let’s talk about how you can set up your ads.

  1. Know your audience and marketplace – use audience data

Programmatic buyers must utilize audience data solutions that are more precise, and more accurately reflect buyer behavior and intent. Location audience data is a powerful predictor of intent, given that what people do in the real world says a lot more about them than their online behavior. In our automotive example, a consumer’s visit to a mid-range auto manufacturer paints a much clearer picture of their shopping intent, as compared to online behavior alone.

  1. Partner with the right DSP

Online advertising campaigns are created using demand side platforms (DSP’s). A DSP automates media buying through real-time bidding technology. The highest bids earn impressions over the lowest bids. The right DSP allows you to drive business results and increase Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) over time.

  1. Make realistic goals

Identify your goals with your campaign: who are you trying to reach? How? What are your short and long-term goals? An effective strategy uses a media mix that stretches across channels, audience segments, and touches customers at every stage of the funnel.

How to Run a Programmatic Ad Campaign: Use Audience Data

In closing, it is extremely important for programmatic buyers to use audience data that is accurate and precise. Online audience data may paint an inaccurate picture of customer intent; location audience data paints a clearer picture of a customer’s interests and purchase behavior.

Source: GroundTruth

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